

I am an evolutionary ecologist that combines my interests in field, lab, and molecular work into investigating questions of how interactions between individuals of the same and different species influence the evolution of traits. I obtained my B.S. in Marine Science at the University of South Carolina where I gained experience in conservation genetics in both Dr. Jerry Hilbish and Dr. Joseph Quattro’s labs. Following my B.S., I continued onto a M.Sc. in Marine and Atmospheric Science at Stony Brook University in Dr. Dianna Padilla’s lab. In Padilla’s lab I gained a love for snails and intensive experience in laboratory mesocosm experiments with live organisms. After my Master’s I took a brief 3 year detour into the world of a molecular industry lab where I gained more knowledge in the field of genetics and microbiology.



Currently, I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Scott Burgess’ lab studying the evolution of polyandry in a marine gastropod. During my Ph.D. I have gained extensive experience in developing microsatellite markers for my species, being independent in the development of my program of study, and have learned grant writing skills that have allowed me to fully fund my dissertation. I am completing the molecular work for my dissertation and writing as fast as I can. I am looking into future post-doctoral positions and fellowships to apply for after my December 2021 graduation. Check out my research page for more details.



While I am passionate about research, I find my joy in outreach and mentorship. During my Ph.D., I have participated in several outreach and mentorship programs. I am committed to the progress of creating a welcoming and equal environment in academia for people with diverse backgrounds, especially for people in underrepresented and minority communities. A service and outreach page of my activities is coming soon!